Monday, 30 June 2014

ashras of ramadan

Holy Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadhan. It is a source of true guidance for all mankind. Nowadays, with the facility of Qur’an Online Academies, you can read Qur’an while sitting at your home. Fasting is obligatory for every Muslim except for the one who is sick or on a journey. Ramadhan is a month of blessings, spiritual reflection, increased devotion, worship and improvement.
The Noble Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said:
It (Ramadhan) is the month, whose beginning is mercy, its middle, forgiveness and its end, emancipation from the fire
(of hell) — Bihar al-Anwar, Vol.: 93, Pg.: 342
The holy month of Ramadhan is divided into three parts:
Rahmat       : “Mercy of Allah”
Maghfirat   : “Forgiveness of Allah“
Nijaat           : “Salvation” 

Friday, 20 June 2014

Importance of Honest earning in Quran and hadith

[That man can have nothing but what he strives for; That (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight: Then will he be rewarded with a reward complete.] (An-Najm 53:39-41)


Few verses from the holy Quran related to wealth;
“And whatever khair (wealth) you spend for Allah, Allah knows it well.
“It is compulsory for you to make will before your death. So that if you leave behind khair (wealth), it should be correctly distributed among parents and relatives. It is a must for those who fear Allah. (2:180)
“ O Muhammad (SAW), People ask you where they should spend. Tell them whatever khair (wealth) you want to spend, spend it for you parents, relatives, orphans and poor people of society and travellers. And whatever good deeds you will do, Allah knows it. (2:215)
In the above few verses of the holy Qu’ran Allah has refered to wealth as “khair”. Khair in Arabic means noble deed, attaining excellence, favour. In short is the blessing of Allah.

Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet (SAWl) said:
  "O People! Allah is al-Tayyib (Pure), and He only accepts that which is pure! Allah has commanded the believers what He has commanded the Messengers, for He said, 'O Messengers! Eat from the pure foods, and do right,' and He said, 'O you who believe! Eat from the pure and good foods We have given you.'"

“When you finish your prayer, get dispersed on land and search for my blessing (travel on land for earning money)”. (62:10)
According to hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (RA), Prophet Mohammad (SAW), said, “after obeying compulsory religious commandments of Allah (that is Namaz, Fasting, Zakaat, Hajj), earning money by right means ( to fulfil our basic necessity of life is compulsory for every individual.” i.e house, food,clothes, education are some of the sic necessities of every human being.
So, in the light of the above mentioned Qur’anic  verse and noble tradition, it is clear that earning money is compulsory for every individual for fulfilling his own as well as family’s need and if possible helping the needy for the sake of Allah.


Once a companion of the Prophet (SAW) shook his hand with him. The Prophet (saw) felt hard skin os palm and inquiry about it. The companion said it was due to hard work for earning the daily bread for his family. Prophet (saw) kissed his hand and appreciated him. ( Abu Dawood, Islamiyaat 37)
Hazrat Sumayyah bin Umair (RA) said, once people asked Prophet Mohammad (SAW), “Whihc earning the best earning?” Prophet (saw) replird, “The earning which you earn by your own hands, and earning through all business; but which do not involve disobedience of Allah.

A Tabaeen Hazrat Abu Bakr bin abi Maryam (R) says, “The companion of hazrat Mohammad (saw) Hazrat Maqdaam bin Maadi Kaab (RA) was the owner of many cattles. His maid use to milk the cattle and use to sale in the market and Maqdaam (RA) used to collect the income.
Many people considered this bad and was surprised on the behaviour of hazrat Maqdaam (RA). They were expecting that either Hazrat Maqdaam (RA) donate milk to relatives or should let his maid keep the income. Hazrat Maqdaam (RA) defended his behaviour and said that there is nothing wrong in selling my own commodity and earning money, because rophet (saw) had said. “An era will come in which only money will serve your purpose.”
 (Musnad Ahmed, Mar’iful Ahadeeth Vol. 7, pg 66)

Hazrat Sufyan Souree (RA) said that, in the period of Prophet (saw) and caliphs, wealth was not a desired thing. But in this era wealth is a shield a righteous person (believer), because without money, the king and royal families will make us their cleaning duster.(They will exploit us for their wrong purpose). So a person should try to increase his wealth in righteous way, because if a person becomes poor the first thing he compromises on is his faith in Allah. (Mishkaat Zaah  89)

Hazrat Kaab bin Agrah (RA) said, “Once a person passed in hurry iin front of Hazrat Mohammad (Saw) and his companions. That Person was making good efforts to earn his bread butter and was very sincere about his business.
Companions of Prophet (SAW) said, “O messenger of Allah (saw), this person is so serious about his earning and making so much effort for it. If he had used his efforts and sincerity for noble cause of Allah, it would have been much netter for him.
To this the messenger of Allah (saw) said, “If he is earning to feed his children, his effort will be counted as a struggle for noble cause of Allah. If he is earning to look after his old parents, then also his struggle will be counted as a struggle for noble cause. If he is earning so that he need not beg to feed himself, then also his earnings and hard struggle will be counted as a struggle for noble cause of Allah. But if he is earning and increasing wealth so that he can show his prosperity and prove his superiority over others, then such struggle is wrong and will be counted as a struggle for wrong cause of devil (satan).”

In fact, even the Prophet of Allah(SAW) used to earn from his own hands. Once, he (SAW) stated,
  "Allah did not send any prophet except that he used to be a shepherd of sheep."
So the companions asked, "Including you, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied,
  "Yes, I used to be a shepherd for the people of Makkah, in return for some qararit (i.e., coins of copper)." [7]
The Prophet (SAW) was not embarrassed or ashamed to inform his companions that he used to work as a shepherd in return for a very small amount of money (qararit).

Noble messenger of Allah (saw) said “Honest traders will be in the category of messengers, saints and martyrs on day of judgement.” – Bukhari & Muslim

According to Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) Hazrat Mohammad (saw) said, “if a person earns money to avoid beggg and to fulfil needs of his family, to help neighbour, then face of such a person will glow lik the moon of 14th night on judgement day (Mazgharul Haque – Asaan Rizq pg.12)

Hence if we do our business or earn in accordance to the divine instruction, our every act will be recorded as worship. ( Mariful Ahadeeth, Vol. 7 Pg.64)
Another hadith affirms the above:
  "Whoever gives charity equivalent to a date, from his pure earnings and Allah only accepts pure then Allah will accept it with His right hand, then He will nurture it for its companion, like one of you nurtures his foal, until it becomes like a mountain." [2]

Allah is great and pure, free from any short comings, needs etc. For Him the acceptable is pure and nothing else.
The Prophet (saw) said Allah ahs ordered believers same commandments which He has ordered to messengers. Allah’s commandments for the messengers are “O you messenger! Eat of the good things and act righteously.’
( 23:51).

The almightly has also said “O manking eat of which is lawful and good on the earth (2:168)

The above verses throw light on the importance of earning halaal and keeping safe distance from haraam.

 Hazrat Anas (RA) asked Prophet (saw) to pray for him so that he may become “Mustajibut Dawaat” ( a person whose prayers and supplications are accepted) Prophet (saw) replied, Yaa Anas! Earn halal and honest living, Allah will grant you whatever you ask for. Keep away for Haraam food, because even a single morsel of  i.e small bite of haraam food, invalidates supplications. (At – targheeb)

 Haraam food extinguishes light of imaan, and the heart becomes dark. It makes man dull, lethargic and inactive. It leads to corrupt and evil thoughts.

Umar ibn al-Khattab said,
  "I see a man that impresses me, so I ask, 'Does he have a profession (through which he earns money)?' So if they say, 'No,' then he falls from my eyes (and I do not respect him)." [4]
So great is the status of halal sustenance that Islam has not looked down upon manual labour. Instead, it has given it a very high place, due to the fact that manual labour is, in general, a very honest profession. The Prophet (SAW|) stated,
  "No one has ever eaten any food that is better than eating what his hands have earned. And indeed the Prophet of Allah, Dawud, would eat from the earnings of his hands." [5]

The Companions, too, were careful about how they earned their sustenance. Once, a servant of Abu Bakr's came to him with some food, so he ate from it. The servant then asked him, "Do you know where this came from?" He replied, "From where?" The servant responded, "I practised astrology once in the times of Jahiliyyah — even though I am not an expert in it, except that I managed to trick the other person. [10 ]So he paid me, and gave me what you ate!" Hearing this, Abu Bakr put his finger in his mouth and forced himself to vomit up the food, until there was nothing left in his stomach. [11 ]A similar incident is reported from 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, when he was given some milk by his servant, and then found out that the milk was from the camels that were meant for charity. [12 ]In yet another indication of the piety of the early generations, Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqas, one of the famous Companions of the Prophet (SAW), was once asked, "Why is it that your prayers are responded to, amongst all of the other Companions?" So he replied, "I do not raise to my mouth a morsel except that I know where it came from and where it came out of." [13]
In conclusion, the Prophet (SAW|) gave an example contrasting the person who takes from this world excessively, not caring how he earns his money, with the person who takes from it moderately, ensuring that his earnings are halal. He (SAW) said,
  "What I fear for you after me (is) what will be given to you from the magnificence and beauty of this world, except that good never brings about evil. The fruits that are harvested in spring cause death (for the animal that eats it), or brings it close to death, except for the one that eats khadir. [14 ]So when it (the animal) eats this until its stomach is full, it faces the sun and releases its bowels and urinates (i.e., with ease), then pastures again. And verily this money is enticing and sweet.
So how great is the Muslim companion (to it), who gives it to the poor and the orphan and the way-farer. So he who acquires it justly, and puts it in its proper place, then how great a helper it is! But he who takes it unjustly, is like the one who eats but is never satisfied, and it will be a witness against him on the Day of Judgement." [15]
In this beautiful hadith, the Prophet (SAW|) drew a parable between the one who does not care how he earns, but rather takes everything he finds, like the animal that eats from all types of crops in the spring. Spring is the season that gives crops which are generally not suitable for animals to eat. So this is an indication of a greedy person, whose only desire is to increase his or her wealth, regardless of the consequences. Such a person is never satisfied, but rather eats, and eats, and eats, until he or she is destroyed, or is almost about to be destroyed, just like the animal that eats excessively. However, the wise person chooses with care how to earn sustenance, and picks the right types of food to eat. Such a person only takes what is needed, and does not become excessively involved with earning more than the basic needs. Such a person will live a comfortable life, just like the animal that eats the right crop in moderate quantities. Furthermore, such a person will be able to earn more, when the need arises, just like this animal will be able to pasture again when it needs to. How beautiful, then, is this money when earned properly and spent properly! And how evil it is, when earned improperly, and spent improperly!

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Duas for Ramadan and Fasting

Dua for Keeping the Fast at Suhoor (Source: Abu Dawud)

dua for keeping fast

Transliteration: Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri Ramadan.

Dua for Breaking the Fast

Dua 1:

dua for breaking fast 1

Transliteration: Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu [wa 'alayka tawakkaltu] wa ‘ala rizq-ika aftarthu
Source: Abu Dawud

Dua 2:

dua for breaking fast bukhari
Meaning: The thirst has gone and the veins are quenched, and reward is confirmed, if Allaah wills.

Transliteration: Zahabadh-dhama'u wabtallatil-'urooqu, wa thabatal-ajru inshaa-Allaahu.
Source: Abu Dawud 2/306, Sahih Al-Jami As Saghir 4/209

Dua 3:

ramadan dua 3
Meaning: O Allaah, I ask You by Your mercy which envelops all things, that You forgive me.

Transliteration: Allahumma innee as'aluka bi-rahmatikal-latee wasi'ath kulla shai'in an taghfira lee.
Source: Ibn Majah 1/557

Dua for Sighting the Crescent Moon

moon sighting dua
Meaning: Allaah is the greatest. O Allaah, let the crescent loom above us in safety, faith, peace, and Islaam, and in agreement with all that You love and pleases You. Our Lord and your Lord is Allaah.

Transliteration: Allahu Akbar, Allaahumma ahillahu 'alaina bil-amni wal-imaani, was-salaamati wal-Islaami, wat-tawfeeqi limaa tuhibbu wa tardhaa, Rabbunaa wa Rabbukallaahu.
Source: At Tirmidhi 5/504

Dua for Laila tul Qadr

lalatul qadr dua
Meaning: O Allah You are The One Who pardons greatly, and loves to pardon, so pardon me.

Transliteration: Allahumma innaka 'affuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'anni.
Source: Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah

Quran and Hadith on worldly gains

In the Qur'an we find this world and the next world described in the following terms:

 Allah Almighty says,
مَا عِندَكُمْ يَنفَدُ ۖ وَمَا عِندَ ٱللَّـهِ بَاقٍ ۗ وَلَنَجْزِيَنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ صَبَرُوٓا۟ أَجْرَهُم بِأَحْسَنِ مَا كَانُوا۟ يَعْمَلُونَ ﴿٩٦

Whatever is with you, will be exhausted, and whatever is with Allah (of good deeds) will remain. And those who are patient, We will certainly pay them a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do. (96)
[Qur'an An-Nahl 16:96]
ٱعْلَمُوٓا۟ أَنَّمَا ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَا لَعِبٌ وَلَهْوٌ وَزِينَةٌ وَتَفَاخُرٌۢ بَيْنَكُمْ وَتَكَاثُرٌ فِى ٱلْأَمْوَٰلِ وَٱلْأَوْلَـٰدِ ۖ كَمَثَلِ غَيْثٍ أَعْجَبَ ٱلْكُفَّارَ نَبَاتُهُۥ ثُمَّ يَهِيجُ فَتَرَىٰهُ مُصْفَرًّا ثُمَّ يَكُونُ حُطَـٰمًا ۖ وَفِى ٱلْـَٔاخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌ وَمَغْفِرَةٌ مِّنَ ٱللَّـهِ وَرِضْوَٰنٌ ۚ وَمَا ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَآ إِلَّا مَتَـٰعُ ٱلْغُرُورِ ﴿٢٠

Know well that the worldly life is but a play and an amusement, and a show of beauty, and exchange of boastful claims between you, and a competition of increase in riches and children. (All this is) like a rain, the growth of which attracts the farmers, then it withers, and you see it turning yellow, then it becomes straw. And in the Hereafter there is a severe punishment (for the disbelievers), and forgiveness from Allah and (Allah’s) pleasure (for the believers and the righteous). The worldly life is nothing but a material of delusion. (20)
[Qur'an Al-Hadid 57:20]

Then, on that Day, you shall be asked about the delight (you indulged in, in this world)!
[Qur'an At-Takathur 102:8]

"Yes you prefer the life of this world, but the next world is better and  more lasting."            

Qur’an  87:16-17

"You desire the attractions of this world, but Allah desires the next world for you"      

Qur’an 8: 67

“And they are happy with the life of this world, but the life of this world is small comfort compared to the next world.

Qur’an 13:26

 The Qur'an has chided those believers who have taken pleasure in this life, saying (which means),
  "O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that, when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allah (Jihad), you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world, as compared with the Hereafter. "[21]
Then Allah promised them the severest punishment if they neglect this duty, saying (which means),
  "If you march not forth, He will punish you with a painful torment and will replace you by another people, and you cannot harm Him at all, and Allah is Able to do all things. "[22]

"Let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. "[23]
Indeed, it is the selling of this life for the Hereafter which makes one disdain all the harm one might suffer for the sake of Allah,
  "So decree whatever you desire to decree, for you can only decree (regarding) the life of this world. "[24]

The hadiths which scorn worldly goods and describe how worthless they are in the sight  of Allah are many:

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “He who does not acquire knowledge with the sole intention of seeking the Pleasure of Allah but for worldly gain, will not smell the fragrance of Jannah on the Day of Resurrection.”
[Abu Dawud].

The Prophet (SAW) said,
  "You will see your Lord with your own eyes, just as you see the moon, never tiring of seeing Him." [16]
He also said,
  "The space taken up in the Hereafter by something as little as the whip of one of you is better than the whole of this earth and what is on it."[17]
He also said,
  "The smallest distance from Paradise is better than all the land over which the sun rises and sets. "[18]
The life of this world, therefore, is not a place of abode for a Muslim. It is rather a place of testing and trials. The Prophet (SAW) said,
  "This world is the prison of a believer and the paradise of a disbeliever"[19]

Jabir ibn Abdullah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) happened to walk through the market place.  Some people were gathered on either side of him.  There he came across a dead goat with very short ears, of which he took hold saying,

 "Who among you would like to have this for a dirham?" They said, "By Allah, not even if it were alive, because its ears are too short; and now it is also dead."  Thereupon the messenger of Allah (saws) said, " By Allah, this world is more insignificant in the sight of Allah than this in your eyes."

Related by Sahih Muslim, Kitab az-Zuhud 18/93

It has been related by Ibn Shaddad al-Fahri that the Prophet (saws) said,

"This world, in comparison with the world to come, is the same as if one of you were to put his finger in the ocean.  Consider how much you would have when you pulled it out.

related by Sahih Muslim Kitab al-jannatu wa Na'imuha,17/191.

It has been related by Ibn Sahl ibn Sa'ad that the Prophet (saws) said,

"Had the world been worth even the wing of a gnat to Allah, He would not have even given a drink of water from it to a kaffir (non-believer)."

Related by Sahih gharib, at-Tirmidhi, Kitab az-Zuhud,  6/611.

Abu' l-Abbas as-Sa'idi said :

“A man came to the Prophet (saws) and said, 'Oh Messenger of Allah! Guide me to such an action, that when I do it, Allah will love me and the people will love me.  He said, be detached from this world and then Allah will love you and do not be attracted to what people have and then the people will love you''.

related by  Hasan, ibn Majah kitab az-Zuhud  2/1373

The Qur'an and the Sunnah both encourage people to eschew this evanescent life and long for the everlasting bliss of the Hereafter. Allah (SWT) says (which means),
  "The description of Paradise which the righteous are promised is that in it are rivers of water, the taste and smell of which are not changed; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine, a joy to those who drink; and rivers of honey pure and clear. In it there are for them all kinds of fruits; and forgiveness from their Lord. "[11]
  "[It will be said to the true believers]: My worshippers! No fear shall be on you this Day, nor shall you grieve, [you] who believed in Our Signs and were Muslims. Enter Paradise, you and your wives, in happiness. Trays of gold and cups will be passed round them, [there will be] therein all that the one's inner-selves could desire, all that the eyes could delight in, and therein will you abide forever. And this is the Paradise which you have been made to inherit because of your [good] deeds which you used to do [in the life of the world]. Therein for you will be fruits in plenty, of which you will eat [as you desire]. "[12]
  "Verily, al-muttaqoon (the pious and righteous) will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers (paradise). In a seat of truth (Paradise), near the Omnipotent King (Allah, the All-Blessed, the Most High, the Owner of Majesty and Honour). "[13]
  "Some faces, that Day, will beam (in brightness and beauty) -looking at their Lord. "[14]
  "[Other] faces, that Day, will be joyful, pleased with their striving [for their good deeds which they did in this world, along with the true faith of Islamic monotheism]. In a High Garden (Paradise), where they shall hear no harmful speech nor falsehood; therein will be a running spring; therein will be thrones [of dignity] raised high, and cups set at hand, and cushions set in rows, and rich carpets [all] spread out. "[15]

Bueatiful Hadith

Abu' l-Abbas as-Sa'idi said :

“A man came to the Prophet (saws) and said, 'Oh Messenger of Allah! Guide me to such an action, that when I do it, Allah will love me and the people will love me.  He said, be detached from this world and then Allah will love you and do not be attracted to what people have and then the people will love you''.

related by  Hasan, ibn Majah kitab az-Zuhud  2/1373

Saturday, 14 June 2014

The Night of Power (Al-Qadr)

The Night of Power (Al-Qadr)

Surat 97 of the Qur’an
Revealed before the Hijrah. This chapter has 5 verses.
“In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
1. We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:
2. And what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is?
3. The Night of Power is better than a thousand Months.
4. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand:
5. Peace! ... This until the rise of Morn!”
Another important factor related to this night is that in it every decreed matter is conveyed as mentioned in the Holy Quran:
We sent it (Quran) down on a blessed Night. We were to warn [mankind]. Therein (in that Night) is decreed every matter of ordainment. Amran (i.e. a command or this Quran or His Decree of every matter) from Us. Verily, We are ever sending (the Messenger) (As) a Mercy from your Lord. He is the Hearing, the Knowing. Ad-Dukhaan 44: 3-6
Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Power) is described in the Quran as, “better than a thousand months” (97:3). Any action done on this night such as reciting the Quran, remembering Allah, etc. is better than acting for one thousand months which do not contain the night of Qadr.
The Prophet said: “Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven.” (Bukhari and Muslim recorded from Abu Huraira).
Make this Special dua for night of power
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: I asked the Messenger of Allah: ‘O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?’ He said: ‘Say:
O Allah, You are pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.’ “(Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmidhi).
The transliteration of this Dua is “Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee”

When is Lailatul-Qadr:
It is known from the Hadith that the exact knowledge of when Lailatul Qadr falls was taken because some people argued. Ubaadah ibn as-Saamit (R.A) said:
“The Prophet (P.B.U.H) came out intending to tell us about Lailatul-Qadr, however two men were arguing and he said: “I came out to inform you about Lailatul-Qadr but so and so, and, so and so were arguing, so it was raised up, and perhaps that is better for you, so seek it on the (twenty) ninth and (twenty) seventh and the (twenty) fifth.” (Bukhari)
Also it is reported from the Prophet (P.B.U.H) that:
“Verily I saw Lailatul Qadr, and I was caused to forget it, and indeed it is during the last ten (nights). It is during an odd night”
So the night of Decree occurs in odd-numbered nights during the last ten days of Ramadan. It may be on twenty-first, twenty-third, twenty-fifth, twenty-seventh or twenty-ninth. It is narrated by Aisha (R.A):
“Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H) used to practice Itikaaf in the last ten nights and say: ‘Seek out Lailatul-Qadr in the (odd nights) of the last ten days of Ramadhan.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
If some one is too weak and unable to pray for all odd nights, then he must not let go the last seven nights. It is reported from Ibn Umar (R.A):
“Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H) said: “Seek it in the last ten, and if one of you is too weak or unable then let him not allow that to make him miss the final seven.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
Narrated Ibn ‘Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) : Some men amongst the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) were shown in their dreams that the night of Qadr was in the last seven nights of Ramazan. Allah’s Messenger (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) said, “It seems that all your dreams agree that (the Night of Qadr) is in the last seven nights, and whoever wants to search for it should search in the last seven nights of Ramazan.”
Narrated Abu Salama (Radi Allah Anhu) : I asked Abu Sa’id (Radi Allah Anhu) about the Night of Qadr and he said, “We practised Itikaf in the middle third month of Ramazan with Prophet Muhammad (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ). In the morning of the 20th of Ramazan, the Prophet Muhammad (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) came to and addressed us and said, ” I was informed of the date of the Night of Qadr but I was caused to forget it, or I forget, so search it in the last ten nights of month of Ramazan.”
Narrated ‘Ibn Abbas (Radi Allah Anha) in this quotation: Allah’s Messenger (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) said:
“The Night of Qadr is in the last ten nights of the month of Ramazan either on the first nine or in the last (remaining) seven nights of Ramazan.”
Zirr b. Habaish (Radi Allah Anhu) reported Ubayy b. Ka’b (Radi Allah Anhu) took oath (without making any exception, i. e. without saying Innsha Allah) that it was the twenty-seventh night. I said to him: Abu Mundhir, on what ground do you say that? Thereupon he said: By the indication or by the sign which the Messenger of Allah (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) gave us, and that is that on that day (the sun) would rise without having any ray in it.
Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu) reported: We were talking about Lailat-ul-Qadr in the presence of the Messenger of Allah (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) and he said: “He who amongst you remembers (the night) when the moon arose and it was like a piece of plate (at the fag end of the month in a state of waning).”
Praying in t
he last ten nights of Ramadan

Al-Bukhari and Muslim record from Aishah that during the last ten days of Ramadan, the Messenger of Allah would wake his wives up during the night and then remain apart from them (that is, being busy in acts of worship). A narration in Muslim states: "He would strive (to do acts of worship) during the last ten days of Ramadan more than he would at any other time." 

Aishah reported that with the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work hard) and used to pray all the night, and used to keep his family awake for the prayers. (Bukhari) 

How should we observe Laylatul-Qadr:
1. The prophet (P.B.U.H) used to stay up and pray on Lailatul-Qadr so it is prescribed to stay up and pray whole night. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said:
“Whoever stands in (Prayer) in Lailatul-Qadr out of Eemaan and seeking reward then his previous sins are forgiven.” (Bukhari)
2. It is prescribed to supplicate a great in Lailatul Qadr. It is reported from Aisha (R.A):
“O Messenger of Allah! What if I knew which night Lailatul-Qadr was, then what should I say in it?” He said: “Say: Allaahumma innaka ‘affuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘annee.” (O Allah, You are forgiving and You love forgiveness, so forgive me).” (at-Tirmidhi)
3. One should strive hard in worship during the last ten days of Ramadan. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) used to worship in the last ten days of Ramadan as he never did at any other time. One should pray, read Quran and make Dua’s. it is reported from Aisha (R.A):
“The Prophet (P.B.U.H) used to exert himself in the last ten nights more than he would at other times.” (Muslim)

What are the signs of Lailatul-Qadr? 
Allah's Messenger (p.b.u.h.) described the morning after Lailatul-Qadr, so that the Muslim may know which day it is. From Ubayy (May Allah be pleased with him) who said: that he (p.b.u.h.) said: "On the morning following Lailatui-Qadr the sun rises not having any rays, as if it were a brass dish, until it rises up." (Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said : "We were discussing Lailatul-Qadr in the presence of Allah's Messenger (May Allah be pleased with him) so he said: 'Which of you remembers (the night) when the moon arose and was like half a plate?'" (Muslim) 
Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Allah's Messenger (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "Lailatul-Qadr is calm and pleasant, neither hot nor cold, the sun arises on its morning being feeble and red.'' (at-Tayaalisee, Ibn Khuzaimah and al-Bazzaar with a Hasan Isnad) 

Thursday, 12 June 2014


"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious).

(Fasting) for a fixed number of days, but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the same number (should be made up) from other days. And as for those who can fast with difficulty, (i.e. an old man, etc.), they have (a choice either to fast or) to feed a poor person (for every day). But whoever does good of his own accord, it is better for him. And that you fast, it is better for you if only you know." (2:183-84)

"The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan), he must fast that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number (of days which one did not fast must be made up) from other days.

Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allah for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him" (2: 185).

"It is made lawful for you to have sexual relations with your wives on the night of the fasts. They are garments for you and you are the same for them. Allah knows that you used to deceive yourselves, so He turned to you and forgave you. So now have sexual relations with them and seek that which Allah has ordained for you, and eat and drink until the white thread (light) of dawn appears to you distinct from the black thread (darkness of night), then complete your fast till the nightfall.

And do not have sexual relations with them (your wives) while you are in Itikaf in the mosques. These are the limits (set) by Allah, so approach them not. Thus does Allah make clear His signs to mankind that they may become Al Muttaqun (the pious)" (2:187).

"Verily! We have sent it (this Quran) down in the night of Al-Qadr.

And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr is?

The night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months

Therein descend the angels and the Ruh (Gabriel) by Allah's Permission with all Decrees,

Peace! until the appearance of dawn (97:1-5)


Abu Huraira related that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Whoever fasts during Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. Whoever prays during the nights in Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. And he who passes Lailat al-Qadr in prayer with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven (Bukhari, Muslim).

Abu Huraira related that Rasulullah said: If anyone omits his fast even for one day in Ramadan without a concession or without being ill, then if he were to fast for the rest of his life he could not make up for it (Bukhari).

Abu Huraira related that the Prophet said: Allah the Majestic and Exalted said: "Every deed of man will receive ten to 700 times reward, except Siyam (fasting), for it is for Me and I shall reward it (as I like). There are two occasions of joy for one who fasts: one when he breaks the fast and the other when he will meet his Lord" (Muslim).

Abu Huraira related that Rasulullah said: Many people who fast get nothing from their fast except hunger and thirst, and many people who pray at night get nothing from it except wakefulness (Darimi).

When to start fasting

Ibn Umar related that the Prophet said: Do not start fasting unless you see the new moon, and do not end fasting until you see it. If the weather is cloudy then calculate when it should appear (Bukhari, Muslim).

The Suhoor meal (which is eaten before dawn)

Anas related that Rasulullah said: Take the Suhoor meal, for there is blessing in it (Bukhari, Muslim).

Breaking your fast

Salman ibn Amir Dhabi related that the Prophet said: Break your fast with dates, or else with water, for it is pure (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi).

Fasting during a journey

Aisha related that Rasulullah was asked whether one should fast when on a journey, and he replied: Fast if you like, or postpone it if you like (Bukhari, Muslim).

Behavior while fasting

Abu Huraira related that the Prophet said: If a person does not avoid false talk and false conduct during Siyam, then Allah does not care if he abstains from food and drink (Bukhari, Muslim).

Forgetfully eating or drinking while fasting

Abu Huraira related that Rasulullah said: If anyone forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks he should complete his Siyam, for it is Allah who has fed him and given him drink (Bukhari, Muslim).

Providing for those who are breaking the fast

Zaid ibn Khalid Juhni related that the Prophet said: He who provides for the breaking of the Siyam of another person earns the same merit as the one who was observing Siyam diminishing in any way the reward of the latter (Tirmidhi).

Lailat al-Qadr

Aisha related that the Prophet said: Look for Lailat al-Qadr on an odd-numbered night during the last ten nights of Ramadan (Bukhari).

Anas ibn Malik related that Rasulullah said: When Lailat al-Qadr comes Gabriel descends with a company of angels who ask for blessings on everyone who is remembering Allah, whether they are sitting or standing (Baihaqi).

Excellent things to do for countless rewards and sawab

Excellent things to do for countless rewards and sawab

1) Whoever reads Surah Ikhlas ten times, Allah will build a palace for him in Paradise. ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) exclaimed, “If that’s the case, then we will increase in our palaces!” The Prophet ? (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) responded, “Allah is better and greater (in reward).” [Ahmad]
2) Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf on Friday, it will act as a light/protection for him from one Friday to the next. [Bayhaqi]
3) Whoever memorizes the first ten verses from Suratul Kahf, he will be protected from the trial of the Dajjal (Anti-Christ). [Ahmad]
4) Whoever reads Ayatul Kursi after every obligatory prayer, nothing will keep him from Paradise except death. [Nasaa’i]
5) When you go to your beds at night, read Surat al-Kafirun then sleep upon completing it, for it will be a protection from Shirk (associating partners with Allah). [Ahmad]
6) Whoever performs their ablution carefully and then affirms (their faith by testifying): “Ash-hadu an laa ilaha il Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu wa anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa rasuluhu; Allahumma-ja’lni min at-tawaabeen waj-a’lni min al-mutatahireen”: ‘I testify that there is no true deity except Allah Alone, Who has no partners, and that Muhammad ? is His slave and Messenger; O Allah, make me from those who repent and purify themselves’ – the eight gates of Jannah are opened for him so he may enter through whichever of these gates he desires.[Tirmidhi]
7) Whoever makes ablution then says upon finishing: “Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika;, Ashhadu an laa ilaha ila anta, Astaghfiruka wa atoobu ilayk”: ‘Glory be to You O Allah and all praise belongs to You; I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except You. I seek Your Forgiveness, and I turn to You,’ – it is written in a parchment, then sealed; and is not opened till the Day of Resurrection. [Nasaa’i]
8) While we were praying one day with the Messenger of Allah ?, a man from among the people said, “Allahu Akbaru Kabeera, walhamdulillahi Katheera, wa Subhan’Allahi bukratan wa aseela”, ‘Allah is the Greatest above everything else, and All Praise is for Allah abundantly, and Glory be to Allah in the morning and evening.’ The Prophet ? asked, “who said those words?” A man replied, “I did, O Messeger of Allah.” The Prophet ? then said, ‘I am amazed by your speech, for they caused the doors of heaven to open.’ Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) added to this narration, “I never left saying those words after I heard the Messenger of Allah say that. [Muslim]
9) One day we were praying behind the Messenger of Allah ? and when he ? raised his head from the position of ruku` (bowing position), he said: “Sami Allahu leman hamidah” – ‘Allah hears the one who praises Him’. A man from behind added: “Rabbanna wa la kal hamd – hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubarakan fih” – ‘Our Lord, all praise is due only to You, praise which is abundant, excellent and blessed.’ When we finished [the prayer] the Prophet ? said: ‘Who spoke?’ The man said, ‘I did’. He ? said, ‘Indeed I saw some 30 angels all scuffling to see which one of them could record it.’ [Muslim]
10) Whoever prays twelve units of prayer voluntarily in a day and night, Allah will build him a house in Paradise. [Muslim]
11) Whoever observes four rakaat (units) before dhuhr (midday) prayer, and four rakaat after prayer, the fire will not touch him. [Abu Dawud]
12) May Allah have mercy on a person who prays four rakaat before ‘Asr (afternoon) prayer.[Abu Dawud]
13) Whoever stands in night prayer and recites ten verses (from the Qur’an) will not be written as a heedless person. And whoever recites 100 verses will be written as a devout slave. And whoever recites 1000 verses will be written as one who has mountains of good deeds. [Abu Dawud]
14) The voluntary prayer of a man where no one can see him is 25 times greater than voluntary prayer in front of the people. [Abu Ya’la]
15) Whoever prays four rakaat of Duha (mid-morning) prayer, and then another four (for a total of eight rakaat), a house is built for him in Paradise. [Tabarani]
16) Verily, Allah and His angels pray for the ones who fill in (or complete) the rows [in prayer], and whoever fills in a gap, Allah will raise his status because of it and will build a house for him in Paradise. [Ahmad]
17) Whenever a servant prostrates to Allah, Allah writes a reward for him, wipes out one of his sins and elevates his rank by one degree; so prostrate as much as you can. [ibn Majah]
18) Whoever prays fajr (morning prayer) in congregation then sits remembering Allah until the sun rises, then prays two units of prayer has the reward like that of Hajj and Umrah. [Tirmidhi]
19) “Whoever prays to Allah for forty days in congregation, not missing the first takbeer (of prayer), he will be recorded as being free from two things: free from the Fire and free from hypocrisy. [Tirmidhi]
20) The best of prayers with Allah is the fajr (morning) prayer, prayed in congregation on Friday. [Abu Nu’aym] (There is a difference of opinion among the scholars if this narration is a hadith or a statement of ibn Umar – Allah knows best)
21) Whoever says, “Subhan’Allah al-Adheem wa biHamdihi” – ‘Glory be to Allah the Most Great and for Him is all praise’, will have a date-palm tree planted for him in Paradise. [Tirmidhi]
22) Whoever says “Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu an laa ilaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika” – ‘(O Allah, You are free from every imperfection; praise be to You. I testify that there is no true god except You; I ask Your Pardon and turn to You in repentance)’ in a gathering of remembrance, it will be like a seal to stamp it (the remembrance) with, and he who says it in a gathering of vain talk, it will be an expiation for it (the vain talk). [Nasaa’i]
23) Indeed, (saying) “SubhanAllah” – ‘Glory be to Allah (and He is high above any imperfection)’ and “Alhamdulillah” – ‘All praise and thanks is only for Allah alone’, and “Laa ilaha ilAllah” – ‘There is no deity worthy of worship except ’llah’, and “Allahu Akbar” – ‘Allah is Greater than everything’, cause a slave’s sins to fall away just as the leaves of a tree fall. [Ahmad]
24) Would any of you like to accumulate 1000 rewards every day? Say “SubhanAllah“, ‘Glory be to Allah and He is high above any imperfection’ 100 times and Allah will record for you 1000 rewards or He will remove 1000 mis-deeds. [Muslim]
25) Verily, Allah has chosen four words from all speech: “SubhanAllah” (Glory be to Allah and He is high above any imperfection), and “Alhamdulillah” (All praise and thanks are for Allah alone), and “Laa ilaha ilAllah” (There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah), and “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greater than everything). Therefore whoever says SubhanAllah twenty deeds will be recorded for him and twenty sins will be removed from him. And whoever says Allahu Akbar will get the same. And whoever says Laa ilaha ilAllah will get the same. And whoever says “Alhamdulillahi Rabbil `Alamin” – ‘All praise and thanks is for Allah alone, the Lord of all things’, from his heart, thirty good deeds will be recorded for him and thirty sins will be dropped from him. [Nasaa’i]
26. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates, “The Prophet ? (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) passed by me once while I was planting some crops. He said, ‘O Abu Hurayrah! What are you planting?’ I answered, ‘some crops.’ The Prophet ? said, ‘Shall I inform you of crops which are far better than all this? Saying: “SubhanAllah” – ‘Glory be to Allah (and He is high above any imperfection)’ and “Alhamdulillah” – ‘All praise and thanks is for Allah alone’, and “Laa ilaha ilAllah” – ‘There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah’, and “Allahu Akbar” – ‘Allah is Greater than everything’. With every one of these [words], a tree will be planted for you in paradise’.” [Sunan ibn Majah]
27. Whoever is stingy about spending his wealth, and fears to fight the enemy, and is in terror of enduring the night should repeat frequently “SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi” – ‘Glory be to Allah the Most Great and for Him is all praise’. By Him in whose Hand is my soul, they (those words) are more beloved to Allah than two mountains of gold and silver. [Abu Nu’aym]
28. Whoever enters a market and says: “Laa ilaaha illAllah waHdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul Hamdu yuHyi wa yumeetu wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa `alaa kulli shay’in Qadeer” – ‘There is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs dominion and praise, he causes life and death and He is the Living and does not die. In His Hand is all the good, and He is over all things competent’; Allah will write for him a million good deeds, erase a million of his bad deeds and raise him a million levels and build for him a house in Paradise. [Tirmidhi]
29. Shall I guide you to something greater than remembering Allah (all) night and day? Say: “Alhamdulillahi `adada maa khalaq, Alhamdulillahi mil`a maa khalaq, Alhamdulillahi `adada maa fee-s-samawati wa maa fil`ardhi, Alhamdulillahi`’adada maa ahsaa kitabahu, wa Alhamdulillahi `alaa maa ahsaa kitaabahu, wa Alhamdulillahi `adada kuli shayy, wa Alhamdulillah mil`a kuli shayy” – ‘Praise be to Allah by the multitude of what He created; Praise be to Allah by the abundance of what He created; Praise be to Allah by the multitude of what is in the heavens and the earth; Praise be to Allah by the multitude of what His book enumerates; And Praise be to Allah for what His book enumerates; And Praise be to Allah as abundantly as everything.’ Then Glorify Allah similarly (by): learn these (phrases) and teach them to those who will follow after you. [At-Tabarani]
30. Whoever sends blessings on me (the Prophet ?) 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening will have my intercession (Shafa’ah) on the Day of Judgment. [At-Tabarani]
31. Whoever says: “Radheetu billahi Rabba, wa bil Islaami Deena, wa bi Muhammad Nabiyya” – ‘I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, and with Islam as my Religion, and with Muhammad as my Prophet,’ Paradise would be (made) mandatory for him. [Abu Dawud]
32. Whoever supplicates for his brother (in Islam) in his absence, an angel is appointed to his side who says “Ameen (so be it) and may you also be blessed with the same.” [Muslim]
33. Whoever defends the honor of his brother in his absence will be entitled to Allah’s Protection from the Fire. [Tirmidhi]
34. Whoever removes a harmful thing from the path of the Muslims, Allah shall write for him a virtue whose reward is Paradise. [At-Tabarani]
35. Whoever extends the time to his debtor [to return the loan] , or forgives the debt, will be in the shade of the Throne (of Allah) on the Day of Resurrection. [Muslim]
36. Whoever gives respite to a poor person or writes off his debt, Allah will put him under His shade on a day on which there will be no shade except His (Judgment Day). [Muslim]
37. Whoever asks Allah for Paradise three times (Allahumma inni as’aluk al-Jannah), then Paradise will say: “O Allah! Enter him into Paradise!” And whoever seeks protection with Allah from the Fire three times (Allahumma najjini min an-Nar), the Fire will say: “O Allah! Protect him from the Fire!” [Tirmidhi]
38. Whoever is easy-going, gentle and kind, Allah will make the fire forbidden for him. [Hakim]
39. Whoever abstains from asking others for some financial help, Allah will give him (help) and save him from asking others; Allah will make him self-sufficient.” [Bukhari]
40. Whoever builds a Masjid for the sake of Allah even if it is like a nest which a bird builds for its eggs, Allah will build for him/her a house in Paradise. [Tirmidhi]
41. In Paradise there are rooms whose outside can be seen from the inside and the inside can be seen from the outside. Allah has prepared them for those who feed the poor, who are gentle in speech, who fast regularly and who pray at night when (other) people are asleep. [Ahmad]
42. If a Muslim plants a tree, or sows a field and men and beasts and birds eat from it, all of it is charity from him. [Muslim]
43. Whoever visited a sick person or visits his brother in Islam, a caller calls from the skies: “You have done well and your walk was good also, and you have earned a place in paradise”. [Tirmidhi]
44. If a man visits his sick Muslim brother, it is as if he walks reaping the fruits of Paradise until he sits, and when he sits he is showered in mercy, and if this was in the morning, seventy thousand angels pray for him until the evening, and if this was in the evening, seventy thousand angels pray for him until the morning. [Tirmidhi]
45. Whoever says, “Astaghfirullah al-lathi laa ilaha illa huwa, al-Hayyul Qayyum wa atubu ilayh” – ‘I ask forgiveness from Allah the One whom there is no deity worthy of worship except He, the Ever-Living and Sustainer and I repent to Him’ three times, Allah would forgive his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. [Abu Dawud]
46. Shall I teach you some words that if you were to say them, Allah would forgive you? “Laa ilaha ilAllahul `Aliyyul ‘Adheem, laa ilaha ilAllahul Hakimul Kareem, la ilaha ilAllahu SubhanAllahi Rabbis-Samawaati as-Sabi’ wa Rabbil ‘Arshil ‘Adheem. Alhamdulillahil Rabbil `alameen” – ‘There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, The Most High, The Great. There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, The Most Wise, The Most Generous. There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, Glory be to Allah (and He is high above any imperfection), The Lord of the Seven Heavens and the Lord of the Great Throne. All praise and thanks is for Allah Alone, Lord of all that exists.’ [Ahmad]
47. From the acts that guarantee forgiveness is being generous with the spreading of salaam [i.e., frequently greeting] and good speech. [at-Tabarani]
48. Glad tidings for the one who finds in his book (i.e. his book of deeds) lots of seeking forgiveness (repentance). [ibn Majah]
49. He who has taken food and says at the end, ”Alhamdulillah’illadhi at`amani hadha, wa razzaqanihi min ghairi hawlin minni wa la quwwatin” – ‘All praise and thanks is due to Allah Who has given me food to eat and provided it without any endeavor on my part or any power,’ all his past sins will be forgiven.’ [Ahmad]
50. Whoever seeks forgiveness for believing men and believing women, Allah will write for him a good deed for each believing man and believing woman. [At-Tabarani]

The virtues of fasting in general and of Ramadan in particular

There are many virtues of Ramadan and fasting expressed in the Qur'an and in the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam. If only one of these virtues was told to us it would have been enough motivation to perfect our fasting seeking that reward and the pleasure of Allah, but it is again from the mercy of Allah that He taught us many virtues of fasting so that we get encouraged even more. I will focus mainly on the virtues of forgiveness, salvation from Hell fire and reward of Paradise, but before that I shall mention few other virtues that are not less important than the latter.

A means to attain Taqwa

Allah says [meaning]: "O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as it has been prescribed for people before you so that you will (learn how to) attain Taqwa" [al-Baqarah, 2:183]

Indeed the person who has attained Taqwa has attained excellence in the worship of her Lord. In many Ayat of the Qur'an Allah says that the reward of the people of Taqwa is Paradise. This topic of Taqwa shall be the subject of one of the coming issues of Al-Mu'minah. We will just mention here two ayat in regard of the success of the people of Taqwa and their reward with Paradise.

The people of Taqwa are the successful people in this life and in the hereafter where they will be the dwellers of Paradise. Allah says [in meaning] : "This is the Book; in it is guidance sure without doubt to the Muttaqeen [people of Taqwa]. Who believe in the Unseen are steadfast in prayer and spend out of what We have provided for them. And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee and sent before thy time and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter. They are on (true) guidance from their Lord and it is these who are the successful. (al-Baqarah 1:1-5)

He also says [meaning]: "Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord and for a garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth prepared for the Muttaqeen [people of Taqwa]. Those who spend (freely) whether in prosperity or in adversity; who restrain anger and pardon (all) men; for Allah loves those who do good. And those who having done something to be ashamed of or wronged their own souls earnestly bring Allah to mind and ask for forgiveness for their sins and who can forgive sins except Allah? And are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they have done. For such the reward is forgiveness from their Lord and gardens with rivers flowing underneath an eternal dwelling; how excellent a recompense for those who work (and strive)!". [Aali `Imraan, 3:133-136]

A merciful recommendation from Allah

"and fast, it is better for you, if only you knew" [al-Baqarah, 2:184]

Indeed if Allah says that something is better of us, it is rally better for us and we should strive to perfect it.

The practice of the Prophets

Ibn Abbas reported: "The Prophet came to Madinah and found the Jews fasting the day of Ashura. He asked them: "Why are you fasting this day?" They said: "This is a great day. Allah saved Mousa (Moses) and the tribes of Israel from their enemies on this day and therefore Mousa fasted on it. "The Prophet said: "We have more of a right to Mousa than you." So he fasted on that day also and ordered the people to fast on that day." [al-Bukhari and Muslim].

`Abdullah Ibn `Amr said : The Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa salam said : The fast most loved by Allah is the fast of Dawood and the most loved prayer is the prayer of Dawood. He used to sleep half the night, pray for a third of the night, and then sleep during the last sixth of the night. He would also fast one day and then eat on the next. [Ahmad]

'Aisha reported that the Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa salam, used to fast till one would say that he would never stop fasting, and he would abandon fasting till one would say that he would never fast. I never saw Allah's Messenger fasting for a whole month except the month of Ramadan, and did not see him fasting in any month more than in the month of Sha'ban. [Bukhari]

A great reward for those who fast

Abu Huraira, radhiya Allahu `anh reported many Ahadith in this regard. We will mention few of them as they carry the same meaning.

The Prophet said that your Lord said, "Every (sinful) deed can be expiated; and the fast is for Me, so I will give the reward for it; and the smell which comes out of the mouth of a fasting person, is better in Allah's Sight than the smell of musk." [Bukhari]

The Prophet said, "Allah said: The Fast is for Me and I will give the reward for it, as he (the one who observes the fast) leaves his sexual desire, food and drink for My Sake. Fasting is a screen (from Hell) and there are two pleasures (moments of happiness or joys) for a fasting person, one at the time of breaking his fast, and the other at the time when he will meet his Lord. And the smell of the mouth of a fasting person is better in Allah's Sight than the smell of musk." [Bukhari]

The Prophet said, "(Allah said), 'Every good deed of Adam's son is for him except fasting; it is for Me. and I shall reward (the fasting person) for it.' Verily, the smell of the mouth of a fasting person is better to Allah than the smell of musk." [Bukhari]

He also said: "Every action of the son of Adam is given manifold reward, each good deed receiving ten times its like, up to seven hundred times. Allah the Most High said: 'Except for fasting, for it is for Me and I will give recompense for it, he leaves off his desires and his food for Me'. For the fasting person there are two times of joy; a time of joy when he breaks his fast and a time of joy when he meets his Lord, and the smell coming from the mouth of the fasting person is better with Allah than the smell of Musk." [Muslim]

The greatest reward is, of course, Paradise. this will be covered under the section "Ramadan; a way to Paradise".

A means to cut sexual desires

The Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, ordered the one who has strong desires and the need for marriage, but is unable to marry, to fast. Fasting is thus a means of cutting desires, since it reduces the vigor of the limbs of the body, it calms them and bridles them.

Ibn Mas`oud reported that the Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said: O Youths! whoever amongst you is able to marry then let him do so, since it retains the eyes and protects the private parts, and he who is unable let him fast because it is a shield for him [Bukhari and Muslim]

'Alqama said: While I was walking with 'Abdullah he said, "We were in the company of the Prophet and he said, 'He who can afford to marry should marry, because it will help him refrain from looking at other women, and save his private parts from looking at other women, and save his private parts from committing illegal sexual relation; and he who cannot afford to marry is advised to fast, as fasting will diminish his sexual power." [Bukhari]

The prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, also said: "The Khisaa' (*) of my Ummah is Fasting [Sahih al-Jami`] (*) "Medication" [or preventive practice] against sexual desires

The supplication of the fasting person is granted

Jabir, radhiya Allahu `anhu relates that the Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said :" In every day and every night, during the month of Ramadan, there are people to whom Allah grants freedom from the Fire, and there is for every Muslim a supplication which he can make and will be granted". [al-Bazzaar, Ahmad and Ibn Majah; Sahih]

Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said: "There are three people whose supplications are not rejected: the fasting person when he breaks the fast, the just ruler and the supplication of the oppressed". [Tirmithi, Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban]

`Abdullah Ibn `Amr Ibn al-`Aas also reported that the Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said: "Indeed there is for the fasting person, when he breaks his fast, a supplication which is not rejected". [Ibn Majah, al-Hakim and others; Sahih]

The best supplication is the one authentically reported from the Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, that he used to say when breaking his fast : "Thahaba aDh-Dhama'u wabtallatil-`urooqu wa thabata-l-ajru inshaa'a Allah". Which means :The thirst is gone, the veins are moisted and the reward is certain, if Allah wills. [Abu Dawood, al-Baihaqee and others; Hasan]

A Means of intercession on the Day of Judgment

`Abdullah ibn `Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said: "The fast and the Qur'an are two intercessors for the servant of Allah on the Day of Resurrection. The fast will say: 'O Lord, I prevented him from his food and desires during the day. Let me intercede for him.' The Qur'an will say: 'I prevented him from sleeping at night. Let me intercede for him.' And their intercession will be accepted." [Ahmad]

In Ramadan there is Laylatul Qadr (the night of Decree)

"Indeed We have revealed it (Qur'an) in the night of Decree. And what will explain to you what the night of Decree is? The night of Decree is better than than a thousand months. Therein descends the Angels and the Spirit (Jibreel) by Allah's permission, on every errand: (they say) "peace" (continuously) till the rise of Morning!" (97:1-5)

Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (S) said " The blessed month has come to you. Allah has made fasting during it obligatory upon you. During it the gates to Paradise are opened and the gates of Hellfire are locked, and the devils are chained. There is a night [during this month] which is better than a thousand months. Whoever is deprived of its good is really deprived [of something great]. [Ahmad, an-Nisa'i and al-Bayhaqi].

A `Umra in Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj

`Ata' said : I heard Ibn 'Abbas saying, "Allah's Apostle asked an Ansari woman (Ibn 'Abbas named her but 'Ata' forgot her name), 'What prevented you from performing Hajj with us?' She replied, 'We have a camel and the father of so-and-so and his son (i.e. her husband and her son) rode it and left one camel for us to use for irrigation.' He said (to her), 'Perform 'Umra when Ramadan comes, for 'Umra in Ramadan is equal to Hajj (in reward),' or said something similar." [Bukhari].

He (S) also said: "A `Umra in Ramadan is equal [in reward] of Hajj with me" [Sahih al-Jami`]

A Means of Forgiveness

It is a reality that none of us is perfect. We all have some weaknesses and shortcoming and we find ourselves committing sins out of ignorance or out of submission to our desires and whims and thus driving ourselves away from Allah darkening our heart and sealing them from guidance and overloading our books of bad deeds. However, Allah said of Himself that He is the Most Merciful the oft-Forgiving. As part of this infinite Mercy He made available for us various ways of achieving forgiveness and sin expiation. Among the most important and beneficial of these ways of forgiveness is fasting in general and in Ramadan in particular. Let us discover this glad tiding from the sweet words of the Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam.

Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said : "The time between the five prayers, two consecutive Friday Prayers, and two consecutive Ramadan are expiations for all that has happened during that period, provided that one has avoided the grave (major) sins." [Muslim]

Abu Huraira narrated that Allah's Messenger said : "Whoever observes fasts during the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven." [Bukhari]

"Whoever establishes prayers during the nights of Ramadan (and that is called Qiyam) faithfully out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards (not for showing off), all his past sins will be forgiven. [Bukhari]

Abu Hurairah also narrated that the Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, climbed upon the mimbar (pulpit) and said: "Aameen [O Allah grant it], aameen, aameen". So it was said, "O Messenger of Allah, you climbed upon the mimbar and said : "aameen, aameen, aameen"? So he said :"Jibraa'eel, `alaihi assalam, came to me and said, 'Whoever reaches the month of Ramadan and does not have [his sins] forgiven and so enters Fire, then may Allah distance him, say aameen". So I said "aameen". [Ibn Khuzaimah, Ahmad and al-Baihaqui : Sahih]

Hudhaifah Ibn al-Yamaan reported that the Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said: "The evils caused for a man through his family, wealth and neighbor are expiated by prayer, fasting and charity." [Bukhari and Muslim]. In another narration in Sahih al-Jami`: "The evils caused for a man through his family, his wealth, himself, his children and his neighbor are expiated by fasting, prayer, charity, enjoining the good and forbidding the bad.

Fasting is also a means of expiations for various sins

During Hajj, shaving the head while in a state of Ihraam, during Hajj [pilgrimage], for one who does that due to some illness. Or One who is unable to carry out the obligatory sacrifice in Hajj

"And complete the Hajj or 'umra in the service of Allah. But if you are prevented (From completing it), send an offering for sacrifice, such as you may find, and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches the place of sacrifice. And if any of you is ill, or has an ailment in his scalp, (Necessitating shaving), (He should) in compensation either fast, or feed the poor, or offer sacrifice; and when you are in peaceful conditions (again), if any one wishes to continue the 'umra on to the hajj, He must make an offering, such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford it, He should fast three days during the hajj and seven days on his return, Making ten days in all. This is for those whose household is not in (the precincts of) the Sacred Mosque. And fear Allah, and know that Allah Is strict in punishment." [al-Baqara, 2:196]

Hunting while in a state of Ihraam during Hajj

"O you who believe! Kill not game while in the sacred precincts or in pilgrim garb. If any of you do so intentionally, the compensation is an offering, brought to the Ka'ba, of a domestic animal equivalent to the one he killed, as adjudged by two just men among you; or by way of atonement, the feeding of the indigent; or its equivalent in fasts: that he may taste of the penalty of his deed. Allah forgives what is past: for repetition Allah will exact from him the penalty. For Allah is Exalted, and Lord of Retribution."[al-Ma'idah, 5:95]

Accidently killing a person from a people with whom you have a treaty

"Never should a believer kill a believer; but (If it so happens) by mistake, (Compensation is due): If one (so) kills a believer, it is ordained that he should free a believing slave, and pay compensation to the deceased's family, unless they remit it freely. If the deceased belonged to a people at war with you, and he was a believer, the freeing of a believing slave (Is enough). If he belonged to a people with whom you have treaty of Mutual alliance, compensation should be paid to his family, and a believing slave be freed. For those who find this beyond their means, (is prescribed) a fast for two months running: by way of repentance to Allah. for Allah hath all knowledge and all wisdom". [an-Nisaa', 4:92]

Violating an oath

"Allah will not call you to account for what is futile in your oaths, but He will call you to account for your deliberate oaths: for expiation, feed ten indigent persons, on a scale of the average for the food of your families; or clothe them; or give a slave his freedom. If that is beyond your means, fast for three days. That is the expiation for the oaths you have sworn. But keep to your oaths. Thus doth Allah make clear to you His signs, that you may be grateful." [al-Ma'idah, 5:89]


The saying of a husband to his wife: You are to me like the back of my mother (i.e. unlawful to me).

"But those who divorce their wives by Zihar, then wish to go back on the words they uttered, (It is ordained that such a one) should free a slave before they touch each other: Thus are you admonished to perform: and Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that you do. And if any has not (the wherewithal), he should fast for two months consecutively before they touch each other. But if any is unable to do so, he should feed sixty indigent ones, this, that you may show your faith in Allah and His Messenger. Those are limits (set by) Allah. For those who reject (Him), there is a grievous Penalty". [al-Mujadilah, 58:3-4]

Fasting in Ramadan; a way to Paradise

We have seen that Ramadan saves from Hell Fire and saves from sins by leading to forgiveness. Besides all this (and it would have been enough if it were only that) Ramadan leads the fasting believer to al-Jannah (Paradise). Paradise, that house that contains what no eye has ever seen, what no ear has ever heard, what never crossed the mind of a human being, and that contains all what a soul desires.

How does Ramadan lead to al-Jannah?

From al-Qur'an :

"O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as it has been prescribed for people before you so that you will (learn how to) attain Taqwa" [al-Baqarah, 2:183]

If a person achieves Taqwa, he/she is among al-Muttaqeen, and Allah, in many places in the Qur'an, says that the house of al-Muttaqeen is al-Jannah (Paradise) as was described in the section "Ramadan, a means to attain Taqwa".

"and fast, it is better for you, if only you knew" [al-Baqarah, 2:184]

"Verily, the Muslim men and women, the believing men and women, the men and women who are obedient (to Allah), the men and women who are truthful (in their speech and deeds), the men and women who are patient, the men and women who are humble (before their Lord), the men and women who give charity, the men and women who fast, the men and women who guard their chastity (from illegal sexual acts) and the men and women who remember Allah much. Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise)." [al-Ahzaab, 33:35]

I strongly invite my dear Muslim Sisters to check in Tafseer Ibn Katheer the reason for the revelation of this beautiful verse. I am sure that it will please them much)

And from the Sunnah :

For the DEVOUT Muslim Women and only for them:

Ibn Hibban narrated that the Prophet said, what translated means, "If a woman prayed the five prayers, fasted in Ramadan, protected her honor and obeyed her husband; then she will be told (on the Day of Judgment): enter Paradise from any of its (eight) doors.

In the famous hadith of Mu`ath ... I said O Messenger of Allah, tell me of an act which will take me into Paradise and keep me away from Hell-Fire. He said: you have asked me about a major matter, yet it easy for him for whom Allah Almighty makes it easy. You should ..., You should fast in Ramadan .... Then he (S) said : shall I not show you the gates of goodness ? Fasting is a shield ... [at-Tirmithi]

Abu Umamah reported: "I came to the Messenger of Allah and said: 'Order me to do a deed that will allow me to enter Paradise.' He said: 'Stick to fasting, as there is no equivalent to it.' Then I came to him again and he said: 'Stick to fasting."' [Ibn Hibban, an-Nasa'i, and al-Hakim: Sahih].

Sahl ibn Sa'd reported that the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said: "There is a gate to Paradise that is called ar-Rayyan. On the Day of Resurrection it will say: 'Where are those who fasted?' When the last [one] has passed through the gate, it will be locked." [al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Abu Huraira said : I heard the Messenger of Allah,salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, saying, "Anybody who spends a pair of something in Allah's Cause will be called from all the gates of Paradise, "O Allah's slave! This is good.' He who is amongst those who pray will be called from the gate of the prayer (in Paradise) and he who is from the people of Jihad will be called from the gate of Jihad, and he who is from those' who give in charity (i.e. Zakat) will be called from the gate of charity, and he who is amongst those who observe fast will be called from the gate of fasting, the gate of Raiyan." Abu Bakr said, "He who is called from all those gates will need nothing," He added, "Will anyone be called from all those gates, O Allah's Apostle?" He said, "Yes, and I hope you will be among those, O Abu Bakr." [Bukhari]

`Amr ibn Murrah al-Juhanee, radhiya Allahu `anhu said : A man came to the Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallama, and said :"O Messenger of Allah, what if I testify that none has the right to be worshiped but Allah and that you are the Messenger of Allah, and I observe the five daily prayer, and I pay the Zakaah, and I fast and stand in prayer [at night ie Qiyam] in Ramadan, the amongst who shall I be ?" He said : "amongst the true followers of the prophets and the martyrs" [Ibn Hibban in az-Zawa'id : Its Isnad is Sahih]

And again

Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Messenger, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said, "When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained." [Bukhari]

We pray to Allah Ta`ala to make this Ramadan a means for us to access to Jannah and to see our Lord therein.