Some Powerful benefits of saying “Bismillah”
on many and various occasions
All the movements of a Muslim accompanied with the saying “bismillah” are protected from the trickery of Satan as the tradition says:
“أغلق بابك وذكر اسم الله عز وجل فإن الشيطان لا بفتح بابا مغلقا وأطفئ مصباحك واذكر اسم الله وخمر إناءك ولو بعود تغرضة علبه واذكر اسم الله وأوك سقاءك واذكر اسم الله عز وجل “
“Shut/lock your door and mention the name of Allah Most Almighty and Majestic upon it for the Satan does not open a locked (or closed) door, and put out your lamps and mention the name of Allah, and cover your utensils even with a stick and mention the name of Allah, and close your containers and mention the name of Allah Most Almighty and Majestic upon it.” [Reported by Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Da`ood, and Timidthi]
And on Jabir ibn Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him, who said that he heard the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, say:
إذا دخل الرجل بيته فذكر الله عند دخوله وعند طعامه قال الشيطان: لا مبيت لكم ولا عشاء، وإذا دخل فلم يذكر الله عند دخوله قال الشيطان: أدركتم المبيت، فإذا لم يذكر الله عند طعامه قال: أدركتم المبيت والعشاء
“If a man remembers Allah as he enters his house and when he takes food, the Satan says: no place to stay the night and no food. And if he doesn’t remember Allah as he enters his house the Satan says: I found a place to spend the night. And if he doesn’t remember Allah as he takes food the Shaitan says: I have found a place to stay the night and have dinner.” [Reported by Muslim and Ahmad]
Abu Tamimah al-Hujaimi narrated upon the person who was riding behind the Prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him:
وعن أبي تميمة الهجيمي عمن كان ردف النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال كنت ردفه على حمار فعثر الحمار فقلت تعس الشيطان فقال لي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لا تقل تعس الشيطان فإنك إذا قلت تعس الشيطان تعاظم في نفسه وقال صرعته بقوتي وإذا قلت بسم الله تصاغرت إليه نفسه حتى يكون أصغر من ذباب [رواه أحمد بإسناد جيد والبيهقي والحاكم إلا أنه قال ( صحيح ) وإذا قيل بسم الله خنس حتى يصير مثل الذباب
“I was riding behind the Prophet, may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, on a donkey when it tripped, so I said ‘may the curse be upon the Satan’ whereupon the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, said to me: “Do not say ‘curse be upon the Satan’ because if you say this he aggrandizes himself and says ‘I have made him stumble by my power,’ but if you say ‘in the name of Allah’ he grows small in himself until he becomes smaller than a fly.” [Reported by Ahmad, al-Baihaqi and al-Hakim, and al-Albani verified it in Sahih at-Targheeb 3/118 no. 3129] and in another version “…but if you say ‘in the name of Allah, he shrinks away until he is smaller than a fly.”
The protection against the Satan is to say “bismillah” (in the name of Allah) since this is the major weapon as mentioned above, and we also find in the traditions that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
ستر ما بين الجن وعورات بني آدم إذا دخل الخلاء أن يقول بسم الله
“The screen between the jinn and the nakedness of the children of Adam when they go to the bathroom is to say “bismillah” (in the name of Allah).” [Reported by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, at-Tabrani and others and confirmed] Note that it is not allowed to mention Allah’s name in the bathroom and thus one says it before entering as it is reported by Bukhari and others one should say before entering the toilet:
بِسْمِ الله اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أَعـوذُ بِـكَ مِـنَ الْخُـبْثِ وَالْخَبائِث “In the name of Allah. O Allah, I take refuge with you from all evil and evil-doers.” And after leaving the toilet: غُفْـرانَك ‘I ask You (Allah) for forgiveness.’
And concerning the food we eat and animals we slaughter for food, Allah the Most Blessed and Exalted said: فَكُلُواْ مِمَّا ذُكِرَ اسْمُ اللّهِ عَلَيْهِ إِن كُنتُمْ بِآيَاتِهِ مُؤْمِنِينَ
“Then eat of that over which the name of Allah has been mentioned, if you believe in His signs.” 6:118]
And Allah the Most Blessed and Exalted said
وَمَا لَكُمْ أَلاَّ تَأْكُلُواْ مِمَّا ذُكِرَ اسْمُ اللّهِ عَلَيْهِ وَقَدْ فَصَّلَ لَكُم مَّا حَرَّمَ عَلَيْكُمْ إِلاَّ مَا اضْطُرِرْتُمْ إِلَيْهِ
وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا لَّيُضِلُّونَ بِأَهْوَائِهِم بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِالْمُعْتَدِينَ
“Why should you not eat of that over which Allah’s name has been mentioned, when He has already given you explicit knowledge of those things which He has forbidden for you, except in a case of extreme helplessness? As regards the majority of the people, they following their caprices, say misleading things without any knowledge. Your Lord best knows transgressors” [The Quran: al-An’aam 6:119]
And Allah the Most Blessed and Exalted said
وَلاَ تَأْكُلُواْ مِمَّا لَمْ يُذْكَرِ اسْمُ اللّهِ عَلَيْهِ وَإِنَّهُ لَفِسْقٌ وَإِنَّ الشَّيَاطِينَ لَيُوحُونَ إِلَى أَوْلِيَآئِهِمْ لِيُجَادِلُوكُمْ وَإِنْ أَطَعْتُمُوهُمْ إِنَّكُمْ لَمُشْرِكُونَ
Do not eat of that on which Allah’s Name has not been pronounced for sure it is rebellious sin. Certainly the devils do inspire their friends to dispute with you, and if you obey them then you would indeed be polytheists and idolaters. [The Quran: al-An’aam 6:121]
The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
” إن الشيطان يستحل الطعام أن لا يذكر اسم الله تعالى عليه “
“Verily the Satan deems as legal (for himself) the food that does not have the name of Allah mentioned upon it.” [Reported by Muslim]
And the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
“قال إبليس : كل خلقك بينت رزقه ؛ ففيم رزقي ؟ قال : فيما لم يذكر اسمي عليه“
“Iblees (the Satan) said: everybody’s sustenance has been determined so what is my sustenance? He (Allah) said: What has not had My name mentioned upon it.” [Reported by Abu as-Sheikh, and Abu Nu’aim, and Deya`a al-Maqdasi, and verified by al-Albani in as-Silsalah as-Sahihah no. 807]
And the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
“ما أنهر الدم وذكر اسم الله عليه فكلوا…”
“What spills and drains the blood (from the animal), and the name of Allah has been mentioned over it, then you may eat of it…”[Reported by al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Da`ood, Timidthi, an-Nasa`e, Ibn Majah, and others]
And on Eidi ibn Hatim, may Allah be pleased with him:
عن عدي بن حاتم قال : قلت : يا رسول الله إني أرسل كلبي وأسمي , قال : إن أرسلت كلبك وسميت فأخذ فقتل فكل , وإن أكل منه فلا تأكل , فإنما أمسك على نفسه , قلت : إني أرسل كلبي أجد معه كلبا آخر لا أدري أيهما أخذه ؟ قال : فلا تأكل فإنما سميت على كلبك ولم تسم على غيره وفي رواية: ” وإذا أرسلت كلبك المعلم فوجدت معه كلباً آخر فلا تأكل ، فإنك إنما سميت على كلبك ولم تسم على غيره [وفي رواية] :“إذا أرسلت كلبك المعلم فاذكر اسم الله ، فإن وجدت مع كلبك كلباً غيره وقد قتل فلا تأكل ، فإنك لا تدري أيهما قتله.“ متفق عليه
And Eidi Ibn Hatim, may Allah be pleased with him, said to the Prophet (peace be on him), O Messenger of Allah I send my dog and mention the name of Allah. The Prophet said: “If you send your dog and mention the name of Allah, then he goes and kills, then eat that which he catches for you, but if he eats from it do not eat from it since he only killed it for himself.” Eidi Ibn Hatim said: Suppose I send my dog but I find another dog at the game, and I do not know which dog caught it?” The Prophet, peace be on him, replied, “Do not eat it, for while you mentioned the name of Allah over your dog, you did not mention it over the other dog.” [Reported by Bukhari and Muslim]
Abdullah ibn Masood, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: أتاني داعي الجن، فذهبت معه، فقرأت عليهم القرآن، قال: فانطلق بنا فأرانا آثارهم وآثار نيرانهم، وسألوه الزاد فقال: لكم كل عظم ذكر اسم الله عليه يقع في أيديكم، أوفر ما يكون لحما، وكل بعرة علف لدوابكم. فقال رسول الله: فلا تستنجوا بهما فإنهما طعام إخوانكم .
A caller of the Jinn came to me so I went with him and read the Qur`an on them. He (ibn Masood) said: We went and saw their tracks and the evidence of the fires. They had asked him for provisions, and he said: You have every bone that the name of Allah has been mentioned upon as bountiful with meat as it ever was, and every dung dropping is the provision for your beasts.” So the Messenger of Allah said (to us): Therefore do no clean yourselves (after the call of nature) with these two (i.e. bones and dung) since they are the food of your brothers.” [Reported by Muslim]
Sir, Thanks for publishing Islamic information. I like it, good job.